The administration of the Court headed by the
Registrar functions under the overall
supervision of the Chief Justice of Pakistan.
In the performance of his functions under the
judicial rules, the Registrar is aided and
assisted by the Additional Registrar, Deputy
Registrars, Assistant Registrars and the
respective branches on the judicial side. The
Secretary to the Chief Justice, Research &
Reference Officers, Librarian, Private
Secretaries to the Judges, Court Associates
and Assistant Librarian provide services in
their respective spheres.
The administration and general branches headed
by the Deputy Registrars provide to the
Registrar spade work in their respective
spheres. The Court, with the approval of the
President, is empowered to make rules
providing for appointment of its staff and
determining the terms and conditions of their
service. Such rules empower the Chief Justice
to exercise, in respect of officers and
servants of the Court, the same powers as the
President exercises in respect of the Federal
Government employees.
The Registry provides administrative services to the Court for carrying out its judicial functions. It prepares the cases for fixing before a bench and assists the Court in case flow management. The Registry provides information and assistance to advocates and the general public on legal procedures and formalities for filing cases and completing the record. It prepares cause lists and intimates fixation of cases to parties, advocates-on-record, advocates and litigants appearing in person. It conveys the judgments and orders of the Court to the concerned quarters for implementation and compliance and maintains the Court records.